100,000 watts of quality,
diverse programming

messy life 11/30/23

by Devin Kelsey



Behold! My soundtrack to abject suffering into the early hours of the morning, thanks to senior design. Kicking it off with the new Hippie Love Party and Hambear (both super awesome, and Hambear is semi-local (Athens (ew))) and never looking back, this set has a lot of back and forth between high energy and more relaxed tracks.

Hippie Love Party - Wes Song

hambear - i wish you would crash your car so i wouldnt have to talk to you anymore

The End of Julia - Landmine

when you found me. - It's Been A Long Time Since I've Spoken To

Name - Homebody

Hot Rod Circuit - The Power of the Vitamins

wiynn - Flowers

WeWillLookBackAtYouAndLoveYouForever!!!!!; koi puddle - we solved the mystery at pen island

moreru - 夕暮れに伝えて

girl goes to greenland - yellowstone wolves

The Shyness Clinic - Rearrange Your Room (Bonus Track)

Hill View #73 - Apology